Evening Hollow Farm

La Ferme
Evening Hollow Farm is a European inspired farm to table establishment for those who want to have an affordable choice for healthy and exciting foods. We have put the emphasis on elegance, beauty and natural locally sourced food. Our goal is to provide customers with a rich selection of gourmet products that are affordable, healthy and unique for those who are culinary minded.
Fluer and Nourriture
*Flowers and Food*

Garden fresh all natural food from our farm to you. Choose your market garden basket for a date night, family cooking night or anything you like.
Choose from our select varieties the height of it's season
Fruits et Legumes
*Fruits and Vegetables*

Our meats come directly from outrfarm and have been ethically raised in a no stress environment. We have carefully selected our breeds for taste and purest quality.

Select Heritage breed chicken eggs, including Bresse Chicken Eggs! Our chickens are fed a natural diet with complimentary organic buttermilk for extra flavor and taste.